Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Still on the whole song thought...lyrics- 'It's ok not to be ok'
I find myself constantly questioning what i'm doing in my life, if i'm doing something that is beneficial to me both personally and professionally...On reflection, and provoked by a song that's ok, right?

Inside my head...Task 2c

I was listening to the radio...and the question 'can you learn something from a song?' came up. I came to the realisation that I had never looked at songs before as educational, but actually yes it it.  Certain songs can pinpoint parts of my life...certain songs trigger emotions...music can be therapy.  I can't really add in anything more than that as I find myself pondering this question over again and again.  It's a brilliant question, ask yourself the same question.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Task 2b

Relective Writing:
I have used the following methods from the reader to really get to grasps with reflective writing, 

 Honey and Mumford’s stages are:
· Having an experience
· Reviewing the experience
· Concluding from the experience
· Planning the next steps.

Reflection-in-action- ‘hands-on’ way of working
Reflection-on-action- going away to conceptualise it and look back at it

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Task 2a

When I first saw this task a kind of strangled cry for help gripped me, but after a few days to come to terms with keeping a journal and the reflective journey it can take me on I am ready to begin! I kept a journal for a dance task that was set when I was 16, and this inspired me to dig it out. It's incredible reading back through it how I can remember exactly what I was feeling and what happened to me on a daily basis. I genuinely think I’ll treasure it for a long time as I now realise how valuable that journal is to me, it's re-opened my eyes, a blast from the past that enables me to have memories that would otherwise have been forgotten!  So this has been an extra push for me to start this journal and be aware that not only will it help me in the near future...but a few years from now it'll keep my memories fresh!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Task 1d


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